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Our Breeders

What does it take to be a Petland Racine Breeder?

Every breeder that has more than 4 females that sells to Petland Racine must be licensed by USDA. Their inspection record with the USDA must have zero direct or critical violations within the most recent 24 months. They also cannot have any violations on their most recent inspection that relate to the veterinary care of any animal on licensed property. Each customer will receive a copy of the most recent USDA inspection from their puppy’s breeder. The State of Wisconsin also regulates Petland Racine’s Breeders. If a breeder sells more than 25 puppies to us in a year they are required to obtain a State of WI dog seller license. Each out of state breeder is also licensed and regulated by their own state. Many of our breeders are also inspected by the AKC and must abide by all AKC’s requirements in order to keep their AKC credentials.

We have made the decision to ONLY source from breeders that we have personally visited. We will not onboard a new breeder into our supplier network until we have been to their kennel and approve of their operation. In addition to all the above criteria, we need to feel good about what each kennel looks like, the socialization level of the dogs in each kennel, and the overall vibe during the course of each kennel visit. When you purchase a puppy from Petland Racine, you are choosing the most regulated, inspected source available for your new family member!

Our Commitment

At Petland Racine, our approach to sourcing quality puppies is different from most other pet stores. As stated above, we use state and federally licensed breeders but that is not the end of our buying standard, it is just the beginning. Our owner and managers travel all over the country to personally visit our sources, so we know each breeder we are supporting. We have visited kennels in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. Since the beginning of 2014, we have taken over 30 breeder inspection tours and traveled over 35,000 miles visiting over 450 kennels. It is a massive investment of time, effort, energy, and money to KNOW where our puppies come from. Below are videos from our recent kennel tours. This page will be continually updated as we visit more and more breeders. We want you to be proud and confident that your Petland Racine Puppy came from one of the best breeders in the country!

Watch the videos below to learn the story of where our puppies come from.

  • Kennel Tour 74

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  • Petland Racine Kennel Tour 112

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  • Petland Racine Kennel Tour 206

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  • Breeder Tour

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Where do Petland Racine Puppies come from?

1. USDA licensed breeders that our store owner has personally visited.

With no direct violations in the previous 24 months. Petland’s operations team stays busy traveling the country visiting breeders. Our operations team looks for breeders that are committed to improving animal welfare. Petland corporate employees and store owners visit licensed and inspected breeders to make sure they meet our standards. Petland’s Vice President of Animal Welfare Education leads additional visits to approved breeders to observe their compliance with Petland’s standards.. He also works with local, state and federal regulatory agencies and legislators concerning animal welfare issues and education. Petland requires our breeders to provide:

  • Safe and comfortable housing with ample room
  • Frequent socialization and exercise
  • A state-issued health certification
  • A consulting veterinarian

2. Hobby breeders as defined by the Animal Welfare Act

These are the small-scale breeders who raise their dogs in a humane manner. Petland Racine only buys puppies from hobby breeders we have personally visited.

3. Local adoption pets that are vet-checked.

Some of our puppies and kittens come from local animal shelters or from members of the local community as part of Petland’s Adopt-A-Pet program, dedicated to finding homes for homeless pets. Through Petland’s Adopt-A-Pet program, hundreds of thousands of shelter and community animals have been placed with caring families. Each Petland has a consulting vet that sees each of our Adopt-A-Pet’s. Additionally, many Petland’s hold adoption day events.

The USDA is the agency that regulates the food we feed our families, and we trust its oversight to keep us safe. According to the USDA, there are approximately 120 field inspectors who conduct inspections at the roughly 1,700 USDA licensed kennels.

Additionally, our breeders are subject to the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). Shelters or rescues are not covered under this comprehensive law. Additionally, many states and local governments also have their own laws that protect animals and the breeders that supply Petland stores have to comply with these laws.

Petland Standards: The Highest Breeder Requirements

In our many years of business, we have been leaders in encouraging the betterment of breeders. We require our breeders to comply with all federal, state, and local laws and to maintain our own standards for breeding.

Our breeders are required to obtain a license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). APHIS inspectors from the Animal Care division conduct unannounced compliance inspections to ensure that the animals receive good care and treatment.

We require our breeders to go above and beyond these strictly enforced standards. Here are a few things we require our breeders to provide for the pets in their care:

  •  A consulting veterinarian providing good medical care.
    • A consulting vet must create a written program for the breeder to follow that ensures the health of the dogs and is available for the USDA to inspect and review.
    • The breeder must maintain written veterinarian records of the medical care they perform.
    • The vet must provide vaccinations against diseases and parasites such as:
      • Parvo
      • Distemper
      • Hepatitis
      • Leptospirosis
      • Rabies
      • Bordetella
      • Internal parasites (intestinal worms, heartworms, blood parasites)
      • External parasites (fleas, ticks, flies)
      • Prior to arrival in our store, every puppy will have received a minimum of two vaccinations against the major viruses that can affect puppies and dogs.
      • Every puppy will be current on de-wormings and preventatives against common parasites (Coccidia and giardia).
      • The vet also consults with the breeder operations team to provide good nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and socialization for the puppies and dogs.
  • Safe and comfortable housing.
    • We require all our breeders to maintain structurally sound and protective housing that keeps the dogs and puppies at their facility dry and clean.
    • It must protect animals from injury and have no sharp edges or places for them to get hurt.
    • It should keep them from getting out and into trouble while providing them enough space to walk, sit, and lie comfortably.
    • It also must have convenient and easy access to clean food and water.
  • Frequent socialization and exercise.
    • During our breeder visits, we make sure our breeders provide opportunities for the dogs to exercise – with other dogs and with humans.
    • This includes access to an open area or run or a group area where puppies can play with each other.
  • A state-issued health certification.
    • Every puppy that is sold to Petland must have a State issued health certificate from the state of origin and signed and attested to by a licensed veterinarian.


Petland Racine has also been an early supporter of Canine Care Certified breeders.  Canine Care Certified is a nationwide, voluntary program that addresses the health and overall welfare of dogs in the care of breeders in the United States. It is the only program that not only incorporates measures of the physical health of dogs and puppies raised by breeders, but also strongly emphasizes their behavioral well-being.  The certification program is based on standards developed and led by Dr. Candace Croney, Ph.D. at Purdue University in 2013. Consumers and pet owners can be assured that dogs and puppies raised by the program’s certified breeders are cared for under stringent standards.  Learn more about canine care certified here:

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